Tips to help women prepare for a headshot session

Here are some handy tips for preparing for your photo session.

  • Avoid white and off white clothing.

  • Simple, solid colors photograph best.

  • Traditional styles have a more timeless look than the trendier fashions.

  • Try to avoid red, orange, lime green, or any brilliant or florescent color.

  • Avoid bold or busy patterns — especially tight lines and checks. It can cause a moiré pattern in the final images.

  • If you wear glasses most of the time, you’ll want to wear them in your portraits. I’ll work with you to pose in such a way as to reduce or eliminate reflections. If you wear glasses that get darker in sunlight, you may want to not wear glasses for the portrait or ask your optometrist to loan you frames that don’t have lenses in them.

  • Apply any makeup lightly, but normally, paying special attention to your eyes as they will be the most important part of your portrait. A bit of mascara and eyebrow darkening may help if you are fair. Avoid brilliant colors on your eyes, lips and cheeks. Blend very carefully and thoroughly. If you use foundation, use on your entire face and neck down to the neckline of your blouse.

  • Try to get a decent night’s sleep the evening before. Looking wide awake and fresh is very important for the best headshot.

  • During the 72 hours leading up to your photo shoot, drink lots of water; avoid caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes and salty foods; stay out of the sun.

  • ​If you have any questions, please ask me. ​I'm looking forward to your shoot!

